Where to buy Replica Dior Saddle bag and other designer brands??
byu/IncidentMuted1808 inwholesaleproducts
A lot of buzz is stirring around the new RepLadies Trusted Seller Store. We have heard hundreds of good reviews with some of the old heavyweight sellers from r/RepLadies
- Thanks to Gus for his writeup on the Hermes Replicas from RepLadies Store
Quality – 10/10
This bag is so well made. It feels exactly like my auth. The leathers feel soft exactly like each other. I closed my eyes and caressed them both and I couldn’t tell the difference. It’s the same puffiness and squishiness. I love me some squishiness. The chains do not kink or twist but fall in a perfect “u” I’m just so amazed how it is so exact to my auth. The chains have the same weight. The dimensions are exact eyeballing it. I didn’t bother measuring it. Because look at it. Perfect 10. How can it not be? Like I mentioned before, I had to keep the tag on the XC to make sure I knew which one was fake just by looking at it.
Accuracy – 9.8/10
I’m going to let the pictures do the talking. Because, look at it! They’re exactly alike. The sheen of the leather is spot on. The puffiness is exact. A few pictures made the chains on the rep appear shorter. I can assure you, they are not. They are exact. The plate inside looks exact. The lining of the bag is exactly the same color and feel. The chain length and the colored metals are exact. The CC knob size and color are exact.
I have to deduct a tiny bit for the handle chain on the rep is a more of a yellow gold. It’s not noticeable and only noticeable since I was trying to find inconsistencies and I had the auth to compare to. Deducting (-.1) tiny bit.
The only other thing I can deduct for is the back pocket is slightly more curved than the auth. Again, not noticeable so deducting only (-.1). I only noticed because the auth is right there side by side. No one will notice.
Satisfaction – 10/10
I am so satisfied with this bag that I’m thinking to sell the authentic to fund more different reps. That’s how well this bag is made. I’m super pleased that they perfected this bag. RepLadies Store sellers are awesome.
- BV
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